Synthetic Literature

Writing Science-Fiction in a Co-Creative Process

Enrique Manjavacas & Folgert Karsdorp & Ben Burtenshaw & Mike Kestemont

NLP MeetUp - Antwerp - 01/02/2018

1 Background

  • Stichting Collective for the Promotion of the Dutch Book (CPNB)
  • Dutch Book Week
  • The theme of robots, based on the novel “I, Robot” by Isaac Asimov
  • In collaboration with an established Dutch author: Ronald Giphart
Poster for the bookweek, including a cut-out cardboard robot

The Request

Write a story about robots, using a robot, in relation to “I, Robot”

The Proposal

Co-creatively write a science-fiction story using a system trained on similar literature

The Author: Ronald Giphart

Image of Ronalf Giphart

2 Co-creativity

… a collaborative process between multiple agents, where in this context, one agent is a computational system. […] where crucially, the result of the output is greater than “the sum of its parts” (Davis 2013)

Different Takes on Co-creativity

  • Lubart (2005) clarifies co-creativity into four distinct roles for a computational system
  • Computer as nanny, penpal, coach or colleague

Computer as colleague

  • A competent agent within the writing process
  • A verifiable contribution to the end product
  • An agent that challenges the user in a meaningful way

Computer as penpal

  • A subordinate agent, that eases the objective of the user
  • Does not challenge the user

3 Method

Data Collection and Preprocessing

  • Large collection of Dutch novels: 4,392 novels by 1,600 authors
  • Tokenization (sentence boundary, paragraph and quotation detection) with the software UCTO


  Sentences Words Characters
Number 24.6m 425.5m (NLWiki: >300m) 2001m
Novel Average 3k 59k 309,531k

Recurrent Neural Network Language Model (RNNLM) for Text Generation

Language Model

\(P(The, cat, sat, on, the, mat, .)\) =
\(P(The | \text{<}bos\text{>})\) * \(P(cat | \text{<}bos\text{>} , The)\) * \(\ldots\) * \(P(. | \text{<}bos\text{>} , \ldots , mat)\)

More formally…

\(P(w_1, w_2, ..., w_n)\) = \(P(w_1|\text{<}bos\text{>})\) \(* \prod_{i=2}^n P(w_{i}|w_1, ..., w_{i-1})\)

RNNLM Implementation (Embedding + RNN Layer + Output Softmax)

RNNLM graph

Text Generation

Sample “n” characters from the Language Model

  • \(w_1 \sim P(w|\text{<}bos\text{>})\)
  • \(w_2 \sim P(w|\text{<}bos\text{>}, w_1)\)
  • \(\ldots\)
  • \(w_n \sim P(w|\text{<}bos\text{>}, w_1, ..., w_{n-1})\)

Multinomial sampling with temperature

  • \(w_1 \sim P(w|\text{<}bos\text{>})\)
  • \(\Rightarrow w_1 = \{p_1, p_2, ..., p_v\}\)
  • \(p_i^{\tau} = \frac{p_i / \tau}{\sum_j^V p_j / \tau}\)


We run the model over characters

  • Help us solving the OOV problem
  • Much faster generation (smaller output distribution)
  • Virtually expands the amount of training data

Model fitting

  • Different parameter configurations resulting in different model sizes
  • Sizes range from medium (10M) to big (90m)

Model parameters

Parameter Range
Embedding sizes 24, 46
Hidden size 1024, 2048
Hidden Layers 1


Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) + bells and whistles

Parameter Value
Optimizer Adam (default params)
Learning rate 0.001
Gradient norm clipping 5.0
Dropout 0.3 (RNN output)
BPTT 200


  • Text Generation System that emulates the style of a particular author
  • Reuse a pre-trained model and fine-tune it on the desired author
  • Force overfitting on the author’s training data

4 User Interface

User Interface

Image of the writing application


5 Output

  • A new dutch edition of ’I, Robot’ with a 10th co-created story was published in November 2017
  • The interface was deployed for the general public during November 2017 (averaging 200 users/day)
  • User-generated data can be used for evaluating the co-creative process

6 Ongoing work

From character-level to word-level

  Character-level Word-level
Vocabulary Smaller (<1000) Larger (≃ 3m)
Dataset size Larger (<2000m) Smaller (>425m)
Preprocessing None Tokenization
Overfitting Not a problem Quite a problem
Dependency span Smaller (BPTT 250 ≃ 50 words) Larger
Output distribution Not too interesting Quite interesting

Opening new horizons (Mixture Models)…

  • Pointer-based Language Models
  • Latent Topic Language Models (credits to Tim van de Cruys)

Mixing output distributions 1: Pointer-based Language Models

  • Results in better model perplexity (=> better output distributions)
  • Can generate OOV words if they occur in the sentence history
  • Tighter coherence of the generated text with user input

Mixing output distributions 2: Latent Topic Language Models

Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

Word co-occurrence matrix

word-coocurrence matrix

Latent topics (unnormalized distributions over words)


Latent Topic Language Model

  • Enforces topic coherence across the entire sequence
  • Enables topics during generation (tweaking the distribution over topics)

… and challenges (due to the large vocabulary)

  • Slow training due to parameter explosion (embedding size x vocabulary)
  • Output distribution rely too much on <Unk>

Solutions for the input embeddings

Process input at the character level producing word-level embeddings (CNN, RNN)


Solutions for the output embeddings (during training)

Since reducing the vocabulary size is not advised, speed up the Softmax computation during training

7 Thanks!