Synthetic Literature
Presentation given for the NLP Belgium MeetUp

Synthetic Literature: Writing Sci-fi in a Co-creative Process
Presentation given at INLG-17

Assessing the Stylistic Properties of Neurally Generated Text in Authorship Attribution
Presentation given at EMNLP17

Enabling Annotation of Historical Corpora in an Asynchronous Collaborative Environment
Talk given at the DATECH17 conference in Göttingen

Introduction to git
One-session introduction to git (first given in Tilburg 2016)

Corpus Linguistics 2.0
Invited Presentation given for the workshop Historical Corpus Linguistics: Methods and Applications in Saarbrücken

Mapping Urban Multilingualism through Twitter
Presentation given for the DHBenelux conference in 2015

Topic Modeling van de Nederlandse Troonredes
Presentation given in Dutch for a course of Dutch as foreign language

Gender Differences in Language Use
Presentation given in English for the MA course 'Sociolinguistics' at the University of Antwerp

Spanish in Barcelona
Presentation given in German for the MA course 'Urbane Prozesse' at the FU-Berlin